Learning to write is complex. Some children take a little longer to do this and have to make more effort. That can be frustrating. This article reveals how to encourage children to enjoy writing and education.
1. Create diverse occasions for writing
Pay attention to writing occasions in everyday life and encourage your child to implement them. There are numerous ideas and possibilities. Have your child write the shopping list for the weekly shopping or even small notes and entries in the family calendar. Use occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, or vacation to create letters, cards, and wish lists together. The packing list for the next vacation or diary entries simply integrates the handwriting into everyday life.
2. Offer varied, playful exercises
Children don’t want to practice stupidly – new ideas are important! Repeating letter shapes frequently is not enough. Playful exercises that are embedded in an adventure story, for example, address the instinct to play and the desire for new things.
Tasks building on each other. Solving puzzles motivates children to do more exercise. It has motivating experiences when writing and using a pen.
3. Avoid excessive demands
Be careful not to overwhelm your little ones with shapes that are too difficult when writing and not to let your school children write too large amounts of text. Smaller steps and tasks lead to faster experiences of achievement that increase motivation.
4. Be a role model
Your children are watching you and know exactly what you are doing or not doing. If you haven’t already – grab a pen and paper more often! Be it the demonstratively written shopping list, a small message on the lunch box, or the classic memory aid on the back of the hand. Make sure that the typeface is tidy and that you hold your own pen. Your children watch everything very carefully.
5. Engage a home tutor
You may also hire a private home tutor to teach your child to learn to write new words. An experienced tutor will know how to motivate your child and teach him/her according to his/her learning style.